
Have you ever just wanted something so incredibly bad that the feeling of desperation became the prominent emotion? That you would risk just about anything to ensure its reality?  That really and truly nothing else matters except this …..thing that you want so badly?

I am there….. I am so desperate for people to except Christ and love Him back the way He loves us!!!!!  If I could only get them to understand just how much He loves us and how much He cares about us and the fact that He does have a plan for our lives if we will follow Him!  That we are not born to live in the gutters of life or to be unhappy or abused by the things of this world……………………………………………………………….

My heart aches for people to come to know Christ as Lord and Savior.  All the money in the world can’t buy the happiness that comes only from Him.  All the  PEACE  that is searched for can be found by stopping at the foot of the cross and not only just realizing or acknowledging but ACCEPTING Christ as one’s Savior.  The joy that fills one’s inner most being can only be given by Him…

Why?????  If I could accept Christ for others, I would….I WOULD!  But I CAN’T!  It is a personal choice…a choice that every individual must make….

I always think about The Man and The Birds….why can’t we accept God’s plan of salvation?  Why do we say we believe but we decline His gifts?  His plan for our lives?  His love that is unfailing, unwavering, unconditional?  Why can’t we see that because He loves us, that He has given us everything…?  Why is it not enough?  Why will we not accept eternal life with Him?

Jesus came, He died, He AROSE!  He ASCENDED!  and He is coming AGAIN!  Lord…open our eyes to the darkness that surrounds us….help us to see our need for YOU- our Savior!  Help us to realize that the things of this world are not eternal; open our eyes to TRUTH!  You have already done so much, yet for so many it has not been enough……..why?

What level of desperation do you have?  Are you desperate to find Him?  Are you desperate to share Him?  Are you as desperate for Him as He is for you?    He Loves Us!

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