For the Love of Music

I have been reminded this weekend of how much I love playing the piano.  Since my sister and her family have been home from England, due to my Dad’s surgery, I brought her teenage children home with me for a few days.  One of her sons sat at the piano at random times and began playing things he had been taught.  Then, he would just ‘play’ at the piano.  I sat there listening to his methodical ‘playings’ and remembered that, that is exactly how I learned to play the piano.  Just sitting there playing the different keys, one note at a time, several together, and figuring out how to play melodies that I knew.  He told me that he could remember anything he was taught on the piano, demonstrated, and then proceeded to show me what he had taught himself.  As I smiled to myself, I suddenly felt a rekindling of ‘playing’ at the piano.  Rarely do I now sit down and just play and I realized  how much I miss that time.  Thanks, Chace,  for awakening that curiosity once again.  Today I will ‘play’ ….at the piano!

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